404 & SEO
Does this title look like gibberish? Let me explain.
404 - Page Not Found Error - This error indicates a broken link that leads to nowhere. Every website has broken links at one time or another. When a visitor clicks a broken link, they are greeted with a 404-Page Not Found error, I’m sure you’ve seen it? This can be frustrating for the user, so they bounce.
SEO stands for Search engine optimization (SEO) - the strategy to build a website to rank higher in search engines. One of the most common methods people will discover your website is by searching for it. A higher ranking in search engines leads to traffic to the website.
So how does your 404 Error relate to SEO?
When a user is greeted with a 404 error, the problem is the user bounces out of the site. Also, the higher the bounce rate a site has, the lower website rankings in search results, which can be an unknown problem for business owners.
But before we get all doom and gloom, let’s look for the opportunity!
Using 404 Pages for Good
We can turn a negative web experience of stumbling upon this error into a positive. Generally, the default 404 error page is ugly, unbranded and doesn’t provide any information or direction for the user to take.
Instead of the standard default 404 error, I can design a custom 404 page that provides a personal touch of addressing that this error is not ideal, helpful links (home page, the popular pages, contact form or an HTML sitemap) to get them to where they need to be and using a Search bar.
Creating a custom 404 page with helpful links and a search bar will…
Reduce bounce rates and keep users engaged on your website
Funnel the user to sales
Leave the user with a good feeling after a positive resolution to their 404 problem
Maintain consistent branding
Attract external attention for your brand with creativity
One Extra Tip: Use online tools to test your site to find any broken links.